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a collection by
Leonardo Azenha
· last updated
2025-02-26 22:48:37
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NHP Shaka's OpFor: The House of Sulfur
Baronic baddies to kill in Lancer, now in one easier to find place.
⋮⋮⋮ SIEGE's Lancer Freebies
A collection of over 100 unique mech chassis, hex tokens, and battlemaps for the Lancer RPG.
Isometric Battlefield :: Gloria Station
Starlight Furnace
Isometric Battlefield :: Besieged Metropole
Battlemap resources for LANCER rpg
Starlight Furnace
Starlight Menagerie
Art assets for vehicles, monstrosities, and other NPCs for sci-fi isometric gaming
Starlight Furnace
Isometric Battlefield :: Hercynian Lowlands
Battlemap resources for LANCER rpg and the No Room for a Wallflower module
Starlight Furnace
Isometric Battlefield :: Harbor Overlook-Archology South
Battlemap resources for LANCER rpg
Starlight Furnace
Isometric Battlefield :: Exo World Desolation
Battlemap resources for the LANCER rpg
Starlight Furnace
Isometric Battlefield :: Gollbanc Homestead
Battlemap resources for the LANCER rpg
Starlight Furnace
Isometric Battlefield :: Chirar Badlands
Battlemap resources for LANCER rpg
Starlight Furnace
Isometric Battlefield :: Gallian Ice Field
Starlight Furnace
Pixel Planet Generator
Showcase of shader code for Godot game engine
Rebranding: A LANCER Optional Rule
An optional rule designed to provide players greater customization options at LL0.
P.B. Cornylius
Lancer: Melee Plus
New weapon types and talents for the Lancer RPG.
P.B. Cornylius
Lancer: High Value Targets
Five bespoke combats, twice as many unique enemies, and special rules for powerful NPCs and their lackeys.
P.B. Cornylius
Lancer Core Book: First Edition PDF (Free)
The free version of the core rulebook and setting guide for Lancer, a game centered on pilots and their mechs.
Massif Press
Lancer Map Creation Tool
Interpoint Station
LANCER Action Reference Sheet
Combat cheat-sheet for LANCER RPG.