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MemoriamView game page

An omniscient narrator guides you through a liminal world as an ethereal raven - discover the mysteries of your mind.
Submitted by RSalam (@Ryan_Infamo), Tony Kiriko, audiochemist, Emma McCaw (@Emma__McCaw), Flo McQ. (@FloTheSnitchy) — 2 hours, 24 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#643.7073.707

Ranked from 133 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Our team chose to interpret the theme “Diving Deeper” metaphorically, and opted for emotional storytelling through narrative, audiovisuals, and mechanics as our game’s core pillar. The player dives deeper into the character’s subconscious in order to reconstruct their memory: an omniscient narrator guides you as you navigate a liminal world. Take on the form of a raven, representative of the protagonist’s soul, as you dive deeper into yourself and uncover the mysteries of your own mind.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
- Everything you see in the game is made from scratch, barring some of our 3D environment assets, and the fonts. All were downloaded for free.

“Low poly styled rocks” - Daniel Robnik / Unity Asset Store
“Hospital Bed” by rokerilla / TurboSquid
“3D Window" by KOROLEWSKIY / TurboSquid
"Medical Trolley" by Wyreframe on CGTrader
"Medical Drip Stand - Free" by Kacper-Brzeczek on CGTrader
"Under Arm Wooden Crutch asset" by crazyyuan on CGTrader
"Hanger towel rack with sheet of paper" by qorfydeh on CGTrader
"Lupina" Font from BeFonts, "Acier BAT, Condensed" from Adobe.

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Very cool, I love the title screen!! I just wish there was some way to only turn off voiceovers, I don't usually like to play with them on since they distract me :(

I'm also not very good at gameplay-heavy games like this one and died way too many times (I ended up giving up at the 2nd level...), especially because I don't have a mouse D: pretty disappointed at that because I wanted to experience the narrative/story TT

I think there might be a glitch with the bullets? When I'm moving on the edge of the screen, my bullets aren't detected and the game doesn't detect loss of health or collisions with enemies in the first place.

But overall, I really like the art style!! Good jobbb :D


Hey! Thanks for taking the time to leave detailed feedback, especially the glitch! I've put it on our polish board for the future:) As for gameplay, feedback in our comments vary from it's too hard to it's too easy, so we might have to balance on our side. If it weren't a game jam, a difficulty mode could've been included too. Thanks for that!

As for the voiceovers, completely understand the personal preference of not liking to play with them on. We thought about that too, but I can totally explain why we went the route of not giving a toggle off button:

- The environment and feeling produced by the VO in combination with the music is a core gameplay pillar of ours and it was part of the original concept for the game. Giving the option to remove it would 1) change the concept of our game and the sensation we want to evoke in the player 2) be very costly for a game jam, as it essentially means we did a lot of work for someone to just turn it off. In that case, from a scope / production standpoint, I think it's smarter to cut it entirely and focus on varied enemies, more levels, etc. instead. 

- Second reason is accessibility, things like dyslexia, or those who use hearing or sight only/mostly to navigate the world. The goal was to provide an experience that can be as shared as possible (also why the game is in B&W - colour-blindness accessibility).

It's such an interesting topic and wanted to explain it a bit in case anyone else is wondering :) Still, I understand how it changed your experience of the game ;-; If you want to know about the ending, send me a message! :D 


Also, thanks so much for the compliments and glad you were able to enjoy it still c: c:


Aah yes, definitely get that! Personally, I just don't like VOs because they tend to cut me off in the middle of whatever I'm reading, and I like making up little voices for everything anyways; for me, the tone of the game already carried through without the VO.

I'd love to learn more about the story! I didn't get far at all... qwq


The atmosphere and sound design are incredible. The graphics work perfectly with the atsmosphere.

Congratulations on the fine-tuning of your game in just one week!


Thank you so much!! Would love to rate your game but .rar isn't compatible with my computer:(


No worries, it's nice of you to have thought of it! I'll be keeping an eye on your contest results, as I think you'll be among the first! :)


Oh that's very kind of you thanks, I'd like to check your submission out after the jam if you happen to upload .zip or weg gl:)

Submitted (2 edits) (+3)

Wow, incredible job on creating a game that fits so well together. Story, audio, visuals and gameplay. Very fun game. Animations look real smooth and voice acting is very nice. My only feedback is that it felt unfair that enemies spawn at your current location. If it was more obvious that they are spawning I could dodge them, but the spawning is so quick and the visual queue is difficult to see that it felt a little frustrating. I really like the level layout and that you used the environment to block paths. My other little feedback is that it felt a bit repetitive at the final level and wish there was something new or different. The reward of finding the bed and jumping on top of it with the story following was really nice. Music reminded me of Risk of Rain 2,  it fits real nice in this game. Lastly I really appreciate the option to change the movement direction. 
Thank you!


Thank you so much for this detailed feedback! And the compliments c: We have added enemy spawning polish on our board, and yes - variety in the environment, enemy type, and gameplay is an idea for the future! We ran out of time to include this and preferred to opt for polished stable build rather than include variety last minute. But the amount of comments bringing up these points have reassured us that we were on the correct path in thinking these things are missing and would be a good addition in the future. Thanks for adding to that :D 


Great visual style, nice effects and animations.  The jump mechanic wasn't used much.  Would have been nice to have some kind of platforming for it.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the kind and honest review! And yes!! We actually discussed platforming in our last level but we were running out of time :') It's a note on our polish board for the future :D 


The sound design, music and graphics are amazing, they complement everything very nicely and give a nice distinctive style to the game. The music specifically reminds me of the Risk of Rain soundtrack, very cool.

I would point out that the game lacks some challenge, most of the mechanics introduced aren't really needed because you never get to be in a lot of danger by just having enemies that crash into you. I've never ended up using the dash, and the explosion was so overpowered that I just didn't use it so that I could have more fun shooting from a distance.

Also the jump feels a little bit weird because you have the same amount of control in the ground and in the air, I'd probably recommend giving the player less control over changing the direction of the movement when in the air, to make it feel more polished.

Other than that the game was really cool, loved the voice acting and ambiance, good job to the team!


Thank you for this kind and detailed review! :D Yes, we have a Trello polish column in our board now and the gameplay balance you mention is in that polish column! A cooldown would be needed and some enemy variety and balancing (we ran out of time, as is the common saying in this game jams, and preferred to deliver a polished product than one with more variety that felt shoddy or provided us with a build we wouldn't be able to test in time!!). The jump control is very interesting, one other person mentioned this and it's a good point!! Thanks


I really love this style of games. It remindes me of the game "Rest in Pieces". Good job!


Great art and sound! Story was interesting and the VO was nice since not a bunch of people do it. All I have to suggest isn't new here: Didn't feel much reason to use other abilities, in which a variety of enemies or scaling the rate of fire for the main ability could solve that. 

Otherwise, great game!


Great game! The atmosphere, the visuals, and the sound worked so well together. The theme and the story were interesting, and I loved the general vibe of the game. My only suggestion would be to make the player's attacks a bit less op? And maybe adding some variety in the enemies could also help with adding some complexity. Though, the storytelling was the point of the game so I'm not really complaining!


Totally - we ran out of time for a cooldown (/forgot) and it is duly noted! :D Thanks for the compliments :)


Unique take on the theme! I love the narration, and the music and sound effects were great. I think adding some variety in enemy design would make for a more engaging experience. Additionally I felt like the game was a little too easy with the attacking abilities having close to no cool off and I found myself spamming attack to clear the levels. Other than that I really enjoyed the game and loved the story - great job!


The music voice over and environment fit together perfectly. I love the aesthetic and style of the game. It could've benefited from another more challenging enemy type it was pretty easy. But never the less I enjoyed my experience especially for a game jam good job. 


You're totally right - enemy variety is on our polish board; we ran out of time! Thanks for the compliments too, it means a lot!


I really liked the music, the atmosphere of the game. It was interesting to play. Very cool!


Thank you! Our Sound Designer is awesome!! :D


Good graphic & audio, I found the gameplay to be a bit too easy, I didn't really need to use any ability until the end of the game, but the game has really strong narrative!


liiked the overall noir aesthetic of this one!


Thanks, timeless and colour-blind accessible! :D 


Interesting take on the theme, liked the overall artstyle! Well done.


Thank you!! A lot of conceptualisation was done in a short amount of time!! :')


Definitely loved the clear dichotomy color theme. The voice narration was also great. Overall great job! The movement can use some improvement, but I think there is just a learning curve there.


Thank you so much, first time VO for this kind of scope!! Means a lot!


Yep, whoever it is, great voice!


It me! :D


Oh, nice! It was very captivating!


Very cool and polished game. I specially liked the aesthetics and tone. Reminded me a bit of Death's Door, in part due to the main character. Gameplay feels great and responsive thanks to the good choice of visual and sound effects.

One thing that I felt it was a bit off was the camera position. As the character isn't located at the center of the screen you're in a clear disadvantage when enemies aproach from below.

Despite that, I had a real fun time with it. It's in my top games of this jam. Great job!!


Thanks so much! Noted about the camera movement :D Overjoyed to be in your top games :')


Very polished game, congratulations!


Thank you :D


Very polished game, congratulations!


nice game i had fun and story this game want to tell is interesting.


Very professional submission! Like the interpretation of the theme.

Very coherent and polished aesthetic. Really nice work on the on the enemies, they looked an interesting mixture of cute and intimidating. Particle effects very nice too, the right click in particular felt satisfying to use.

Amazing Audio design. The combat music really adds to the feel of the game, very reminiscent of Risk of Rain 2. SFX high quality and give some nice oomph to the combat. The voice acting is a rather nice addition.

For some nitpicky improvements:

  • The  Right Click ability is very Overpowered.
  • Maybe tighten up the enemy spawning algorithm. One spawned very close as I was moving and instantly damaged me.
  • It would be nice if the Camera position Lerped a bit towards the mouse, rather than always being directly focused on the Player model.
  • A see through effect on the terrain would be cool when the player moves behind it.
  • The jump felt a bit awkward. Perhaps make it so that you jump upwards fast, then fall slow as if the fall was slowed by the birds wings.

I had a lot of fun playing your submission. Exceptional job. Credits to you and your team!


Thank you so much for this amazing comment and detailed feedback, we truly appreciate that so much! We have a Trello polish board, and I'll be adding the new points: for example the jump and camera position, good point thank you! By a see through effect on the terrain when the player moves behind it (the terrain), I'm not sure I 100% understand. As in, a sort of ghostly overlay on any terrain that is behind you?


Happy to help!

Basically what I mean with the see through effect is that when the player character goes behind/under some terrain, you cannot see them. This can be awkward if you're fighting enemies as you can't see whether they are about to hit you/where to shoot. To fix this problem, it would be good if when moving behind the terrain, the terrain itself would become partially transparent, allowing you to see whats happening behind it.

Sorry if I haven't explained it very well. Its a common QoL feature in most 3D games.


Oh! By terrain (which I'm interpreting as the ground) do you mean the 3D environment assets maybe? Like a wallhack/see through walls but implemented as a feature - sort of like in Assassins Creed when you can use an ability to see the outline of enemies? Could be an idea! Thanks so much :D 


Yup, you got it ;)

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