Hello people, this is a rate for rate post. Which means if you rate my game, we will rate your game.
1. Rate our game first, then we will rate your game.
2. Only web exports.
Here is our game: https://lordbobthefirst.itch.io/insert
Hello people, this is a rate for rate post. Which means if you rate my game, we will rate your game.
1. Rate our game first, then we will rate your game.
2. Only web exports.
Here is our game: https://lordbobthefirst.itch.io/insert
rated. Here's mine https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3349854 thank you
Nice game! The gameplay was really smooth and polished. The graphics were also nice.
Here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3349890
Hello! Here is our game :) https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3348545#post-12229774
tryyy minee https://isotastudio.itch.io/faebysitting ratee mine ill rate yourss
Rated! We hope you enjoy our game!