Hello, I'm sharing my project with you so you can rate it, leave me yours so I can rate it too. https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3348857
Hello, I'm sharing my project with you so you can rate it, leave me yours so I can rate it too. https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3348857
Hey here is my game: https://slink7.itch.io/tech-movers
Imma try yours now!
Here’s my entry, My Pop Up Power Up Shop—heroes fight while you grow potions. Feedback appreciated: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3349174. I’ll rate yours soon!
Going to rate yours now! Here's ours: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3340073
Hey! I just rated your game, really enjoyed it! Here’s mine: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3349479. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Here you go friend, I'll go and check out yours as soon as I can
Here is mine, hop you will enjoy, download the game, the web version is trash : https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3344617?before=9#comments
Would be very grateful for some feedback!
Will check your game out now!
Here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3346738#post-12220838 A platform jumping game that collects endings.
Here's ours! We'd love some feedback: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3344179
You just got a brand new rating, you know what to do https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3348507
Im checking yours out right away!
heres mine :) https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3349208
What can you say about our game https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3342055
Will check yours in a minute.