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ManoloView game page

Manolo is an old man with alzheimer. Help him to recover his memories!
Submitted by SupHernan, Gabriel, Huhu Developers — 1 minute, 21 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1813.7583.758

Ranked from 124 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
Manolo rewinds in time to remember his past life.

Did you write most of the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
All code, artwork and music are done by scratch. Only sound effects and a couple images for the background aren't ours.

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Great stuff, amazing job for a first game jam! Each life stage is distinct and interesting enough and the puzzles make good use of them! The narrative is also really great, a really interesting backdrop for the game!


Thanks! We really appreciate it :D


A really nice (and somewhat emotional) game. I really enjoyed it :)


This is such a creative concept! And the music fits well with the theme - a lonely old man travelling in a world with a surrealistic idea of time.
The jump height wasn't consistent a few times which caused a mistimed jump, but everything else was good. Levels were well designed, and special mention to the level  of detail as far as changing the background goes - even the pots grew flowers! Great effort.


Thank you so much! Yes we do have to polish movement a bit, we'll keep it in mind :)


Very cool game! I liked the basic mechanics of the game. But I should note that on the second level, the texture of gray bricks is very fuzzy.


Thanks for the feedback!


very nice implementation of the rewind theme. Super cool game with the main mechanic well thought out. It does introduce some waiting though which is not ideal but I guess it's hard to get around it. One thing i would like to see reworked is the punch. It seems very unforgiving in its current state.


Thanks! Punching is indeed weird now and will be changed in the first update, and about the waiting we'll also add a fast forward button. So we have both things in mind, thanks for the feedback :)


Beautiful idea and loved the story.  Really enjoyed game play of getting the card at the end of the level but only when I was an old man. Second level is quite tricky, I find the positioning of the controls strange... I kept wanting  to press 'E' instead of 'Q' but that's probably just me. The art is beautiful and your title screen hooked me in. 
We made a story based game set in the past if you have any time to play we only need x2 more votes to be ranked. Great game, well done. 


Thanks! Might add more controls in the future, or even just remap the keys that are used right now, so we'll keep it in mind :)

I'll check out your game later today!


A wonderful concept and story! Implementing Alzheimer is quite interesting for rewind. The feedback I would give is that maybe increasing the range of attack for the adult version Manolo. Other than that, the sound effects, pixel art and the background music is really nice! Great job!


Thanks! We'll make him deal damage for .2 seconds (the animation length) instead of one frame, which is currently the problem. Thanks :)


That's a really nice concept man :D Loved how you have to use the different abilities of each version of Manolo to make it through the level. Well done ;)


The gameplay is nice, the concept is cool and made the game really fun to play, i liked the touch of the background changing with the age


Beautiful atmosphere and nice gameplay. Great game!


i like how both the story and the gameplay related to the theme of the jam. good job!

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

So beautiful... The music, the sounds, the sprites, the mood. It's all amazing. The game fits perfectly with the theme. I love the way the background changes when you move through time. There should be a way to either speed up the clock or skip to the next stage in Manolo's life. Sometimes I was just sitting there waiting for him to age.


Thank you so much! We'll add that button in the next update, it is by far the most requested thing in the comments. Thanks again :)


I loved the idea and how the rewind concept changes the world around! The game and the puzzles are really interesting and fun! With a little bit more of visual polishment, would be awesome!

Also, the only problem that i found was that sometimes you need to wait a long time until the clock reachs the next stage, a way to make time faster should be a nice implementantion! But it's not a big deal, still a great game!

Congrats and great job! :D


Thanks! The fast forward button is the very first thing the game needs right now, we'll add it soon. Thanks for the review!

Submitted (1 edit)

I really loved the idea and how many concepts you packed into a single game. Even though the graphics were simple, you can easily improve them and release the game (or use some scaling because in <1080p the some outlines are missing).

Regarding the instructions, the time should not be running out during reading them, so some longer-tutorial phase would be welcome.


Thanks! About the tutorial, time starts running as you approach the first clocks. Didn't  want to keep it off for longer so the player understands the mechanic as it will work in the game, but maybe starting the clock when getting the first one or when pressing q might be a good idea. We'll keep it in mind.

And about the resolution, that is kinda weird. The game is indeed built to scale in a 16*9 aspect ratio, plus my screen isn't at all 1080p and the game is fully visible. So not sure what the problem is, you also are the first one to say anything on the topic. If you could add a screenshot that would help a lot. Thanks for the comment!


Size on the page:



Ohhh I see what you mean now. Those aren't actually the outlines of the sprites, but a weird glitchy behaviour unity has with tilesets. We changed the material of the tiles so that it had pixel snap on and we disabled antialiasing, and now it doesn't happen... some of the times. Don't really now why it happens, but we'll work on it once the jam is over. Thank you so much!


Also some documentation in case you're interested :)


I mean, I know about tile tearing but it's not a big deal, the outlines of the sprites seem to be lost (look at the character or at the pause icon). I'm not a Unity user but there might be some setting to enable bilinear scaling (ironically, I have the opposite issue with OpenFL where I wanted nearest scaling to keep pixelation and it was fixed on some linear/cubic😅)


Really great game, the theme is applied very good and the mechanics are great, I suggest you change the controls "Space" to rewind and "Q" to make the action, because I feel the Space is more for the core mechanic, and it was a little weird the attack movement of Manolo, the middle one, I felt the hit box of the puch was pretty closed to the hit box of his body, but more than that, the game is perfect, one of my favorites so far, incredible job! Congrats!


Muchas gracias! Cambiar los controles es buena idea, y el puñetazo definitivamente tenemos que cambiarlo. Lo tendremos en cuenta para futuras versiones, gracias! :D


Really fun game and great take on the concept. I think this rewind mechanic was very cool and I loved the visual changes. I think if the controls and hit boxes were tightened up to be more responsive, this game would be fantastic and is definitely worth expanding on even more. great job!


Thank you so much!


Very cool idea. I enjoyed playing it :) There were some hard parts but I Managed.


A well executed take on a solid idea!

Quite difficult - I didn’t make it past the “baseball” level - but that’s understandable, it’s especially hard to get balance right in the short time limit of a jam.

As already pointed out in other comments, the two top things that I’d like to see adjusted is tweaking the punch / ghost hitboxes and adding a button to speed up time while waiting :)

Gliding baby best new character 2020.


Thanks so much for the review! Definitely things we keep in mind for future updates, glad you liked the game :)


I had a lot of fun playing it, good job!


I like how changing ages also changes the look of the cars! 



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