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A Liar's DiceView game page

Roll The Dice For Money In This High Stakes Mind Reading Game
Submitted by Abstract Studios — 31 minutes, 13 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 171 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Our game features a dice that is rigged and that can be controlled. This is a casino themed game

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Great concept and art style. One of the most engaging games so far for me.


Glad you enjoyed the game, thank you so much !! :D 


I liked the idea, but I though it is a bit hard to see the combination chart and select all the things on time.

(So I print screen it! haha)


Haha that is a good way to play at the dirtiest casino in the world ;) Thank you so much for playing !! :D


I really like the look of your game and the core concept was really creative. I be curious to see how you would expand on this idea, maybe like a campaign mode with High Roller boss fights!


Yeaa !! That is a superb idea !! Thank you so much !! :D 


Interesting concept using a set of simple equations, so the player must memorise different combinations. The art-style is simple in a way that it's nice to look at, and the music  and SFX are great.

There was a bug where I reached a certain score and the dice selection stopped responding, so there was nothing I could do but watch as the timer counted down and I lost. 

However, the rounds I played were very engaging, the timer was short enough to create a sense of urgency, but long enough there was still time to think. Although the game did get very repetitive over time.

Overall, a very creative idea, with good art and sound. One large game-breaking bug, but still fun to play.


Thank you so much for the fantastic feedback !! :D Unfortunate to come across such a bug :(( , nevertheless, we are suuper grateful that you enjoyed the game !! Hope you had a fantastic jam too :)) !!


I like the idea of reading the other person's mind and finding the exact dice number, but I think the game should go into a bit more detail, with a few calculations, and more time. Good job though, my high score was over $1,000,000,000!


Mhm yea that is fair! Thank you so much for the feedback !! :D Hope you had a great gam jam too :))) !! 


Cool premise. If I'm not mistaken the game is basically just "how fast can you find the emotion in the table", which feels a little simplistic. Very well executed though.


I really like how solid the theming of the game is! The visuals, audio, emotions chart mechanic, and short timer mix very well to create a fast-paced and dirty casino environment. 


Glad you enjoyed the game thank you so much !! :D 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The music totally match the game vibe!


JAZZZ !! Thank you so much !! <


I like the mechanic and the art, but unfortunately had too much boomer reaction time to actually be able to play well ahahaha. Nice work, cool idea and fast paced


Thank you so muchh !! :))


This was a lot of fun, I had a few goes. I enjoyed the fast frantic nature of the game and the tutorial was well done. I like how quickly it gave up on actually displaying the full number and just started showing the e+.  Unfortunately the game froze on my last attempt and I lost because of it, I suspect my winnings got too big to store in a float lol


Love the style and how frantic it is to check the emotions!


Really good looking game, great job getting it to look this polished in such a short amount of time! It was really hard though, and hard to keep track of time. Good job overall!


Your presentation is great! I wasn't ever sure how much time I had to look at the chart, but I enjoy the frantic pace of it

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great game! The gameplay is frantic and engaging and the art is crazy good. 

One thing I want to propose is choosing your bet (and maybe a dice) with a button, just for the speed (I mean add an option, mouse is still a better choice for most players). Short decision time works great for tension and I personally don't think it should be expended, and this way you can reduce the frustration from misclicks. 


Mhmm, that is some more fantastic feedback !! Thank you so much for taking time to give us some constructive feedback :D We are super happy you enjoyed the game, and I hope you had a fun time jamming too :D !!


Mhmm, that is some more fantastic feedback !! Thank you so much for taking time to give us some constructive feedback :D We are super happy you enjoyed the game, and I hope you had a fun time jamming too :D !!

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Really fun game where youre forced to think fast! 

Also the tutorial was implimented very nicely and I was able to understand everything without much trouble :D

The art, sounds, and music were also really nice!

All in all I enjoyed it a lot and the idea is very unique


Thank you so much for the lovely feedback !! :D Glad you enjoyed the game :)) !!


The premise is simple and the game easy to understand/get into which is great! However, the presentation made it challenging to engage. Let me explain, here's my view when not in full screen

Which has all the flying dollars moving, a giant window but a much smaller game window, and with the music it made it be information overload for my senses and made it hard to play.

When I switched to full screen mode here is what it looks like (note: I have a 3440x1440 resolution)

Again, I suffer from the large empty void and small gameplay screen but at least I could see everything better/less distracting, except that the "emotion chart's" collider kept going in/out of my cursor causing it to jitter back and forth - lol :P so I had to leave it like that and hope I had all the emotions combinations visible to me.

Overall, I think it was a unique idea on the theme and an interesting math problem to solve but sadly the presentation made it really hard for me to enjoy it. 


Mhmm , we found that issue too on different resolutions the game gets warped, we found some hidden setting in the build settings in the unity editor , but we couldn't change it since the game jam ended, Nevertheless we are suuper thankful for your feedback and we will make sure to check the build settings next time :D Hope you had a fantastic jam too :)) !!


Nice game.

Unfortunatly the time is way too short to be able to go through the chart to choose your bet so you can only rely on luck.

Buth the presentation is really good & the whole athmosphere fit really well with the theme of you game.

Good job :)


Thank you so much for the feedback !! <3 :D

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Amazing job! Very engaging game.

I really liked the tutorial; the rules were explained very clearly and succinctly. Also thought the faces on the emotion chart gave it a lot of personality, and enjoyed the casino theme.

One small suggestion is to add an easy/assist mode that is more forgiving, An audio cue during the last 3 seconds could also be helpful, so we know it's time to make a random guess and hope for the best if we haven't found the answer yet XD


Mhmm yea we did miss out on adding more time , nevertheless we are super happy you enjoyed the game and thank you for the feedback !! :D


Nice game !


Thank you so much !!


Very fun game! Amazing use of the theme, never tought looking at a chart would be that intense! If i would have a tiny nitpick it would be that a countdown sound would be helpfull or some more sounds for feedback like presing buttons etc... but overall amazing job! really unique game!


Mhm Yeah, input feedback is another thing we missed out on, Nevertheless we are suuper grateful for your feedback !! :)) and we are really happy you enjoyed the game :D !!


You are most welcome :)

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