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A downloadable game for Windows.

There needs to be more games like this out there. I love everything about it. Please make a full release with all METAL.IKs and take all of my money!! 

Still no way to open doors while using a controller. Great job overall and excited to see more. No a big fan of the experimental levels i.e. stealth, plane

ReveVoodoo published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
The android ik, enters the plains of a forgotten land. After save the souls sown by the last humans, he meets an old flying machine in his desire to be free to repair it, but the Internet seeks him to format it or destroy and eradicate it h...
Camila Mattos updated a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Set type to Downloadable.
kaelynmauve published a simulation 4 years ago
A browser simulation made in HTML5.
I made this playable simulation as a tribute to healthcare workers battling the current Covid outbreak. It tries to capture the stress they face in treating an increasing patient load with limited manpower, medical supplies and equipment to...
Jay rated a game 4 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A downloadable game.
awarsgames updated a Why Aliens 4 years ago
A downloadable Why Aliens for Windows, macOS, and Android.
Updated page content. Added platform Android.
SPACE8AR rated a Why Aliens 4 years ago
A downloadable Why Aliens for Windows, macOS, and Android.
Xo rated a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
A downloadable game.
A downloadable game.
floatingchair rated a modular story game 4 years ago
A downloadable modular story game.

Something for now, something for later

Possible Worlds Games rated a modular story game 4 years ago
A downloadable modular story game.
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