So cute and such a beautiful art style! I need more!!!
I first saw this game when I was scrolling through YouTube once and the color palette immediately caught my eye. It was so unique. The name got me more interested as I remembered another game called "Before Your Eyes" which also had a gutwrenching story.
As soon as I clicked on the video and was warned of the topics it covers, I just knew I had to stop watching and immediately download it myself. I never expected it to also be part of the VN Jam I was watching previously as well, let alone be the top placement.
This VN really gives me more moments to think. While I certainly teared up, I was more invested in the thoughts and questions Memento and Mori posed to each other as well as how those eventually come back later on in a more meaningful context.
The music is absolutely awe-inspiring and oddly nostalgic to me, the art has an amazing visual charm and color palette while also sporting incredible stylizations of certain scenes. The writing is extremely thought-provoking as if I hadn't said that enough and of course, Memento is an amazing character all around who deserves all the belly rubs.
Great worldbuilding in a short amount of time, and an equally great tone. Perfect somber story for a rainy night.
My therapist will hear about this