Chicken Fixed v 1.1
Patch 1.1
I have not touched to all collision which are very capricious but which are part of the defaults of the game that we can have in a jam. The only modifications are to make adjustments value to make the game less difficult and and i have add a presentation scene to better understand the cycle.
- Extend TriggerBox BuyFood
- Extend TriggerBox BuyWater
- Add visual effect if Food Increase or Decrease
- Add visual effect if Water Increase or Decrease
- Move Sell Meshes
- Increase Amount Due 1000 to 1200$
- Decrease Food & Water chikens consumption 0.8 to 0.2
- Decrease Food & Water chiks consumption 0.2 to 0.1
- Chickens can't lay if they are caught
- Change Incubator light
- Add Scene Tutorial