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ellohir rated a adventure location 3 years ago
A downloadable adventure location.

Great location! An uneasy peace is such a good way to present a difficult situation for players to navigate.  I like that there's not only the magpie - liliputians conflict, but also internal conflict on how the liliputians should deal with the magpie. I love putting the players on these powder keg situations and see what they do!

ellohir rated a location 3 years ago
A downloadable location.

I love this little location! It has a very strong theme with the amps, robot mice and spare parts. It's really evocative and I can already see the cave in my mind :)

Losing Games published a adventure location 3 years ago
A downloadable adventure location.
The Lilliputian airship Sky Pig has crash-landed, brought down by Llortle , a foul-natured and territorial magpie. Tensions are high amongst the surviving crew. They are injured, hungry and on the verge of mutiny. Will the mice help to ease...
imsobadatnicknames published a location 3 years ago
A downloadable location.
The Screaming Wall of Tiberius is a gigantic structure made of ancient screaming monoliths left being by the Titans of old, that now block the entrance to the lair of the euponymous Tiberius, an enigmatic deaf snake. Writing, Layout and Ill...
Rachibi rated a game 3 years ago
glaucus published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
This is a small project for #MoreMausritterMarch . Technically it doesn't quite fit the brief of the jam, in that it's a *generator* for hex locations, rather than a single hex location or adventure. You can read the whole text in your brow...
ManaDawn Tabletop Games published a Bird Sanctuary 3 years ago
A downloadable Bird Sanctuary.
Sounds of melody and harmony blend together illustriously in song. Waves of sweet tune, rising and falling. Whistles of joy, chirps of careless peace. Notes sung with purpose, sounds of serenity ring aloud. The glade is alive with vibrant n...
PenPaperDice published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game.
The Garden of the Spire Queen is a self-contained region with encounters, rumours, locations, a new faction and coming up a settlement description of Honigspitze , the home of the Spire Queen , for the Mausritter roleplaying game, created f...
Lenorkia published a tool 3 years ago
A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
The skeleton of Lord Whiskers is an adventure site by Lenorkia for the Mausritter roleplaying game, created for More Mausritter March 2021. In the mouse kingom there is a place avoided by mice. The area where the great battle took place bet...
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