A deep game about our inability to stop once we achieve happiness, and instead our endless hubris to keep going until we lose it all.
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My spirits were low, my mind was faltering, and my heart was weak. But then there it was ":)" a glimmer of hope for a weary ScaliBanki rolling apprentice. I knew what i had to do. I had to keep going. The rolling of her head. the slight offset of the camera keeping me engaged with the slow back and forth motion. Everything stopped making sense, life itself froze around me. I had to know. "whats at the top?" I kept pushing forth and finally. The crux of my journey. I leapt forward, fully ettentive. "what will happen when i reach the top" ScaliBanki teetered over the edge... my heart stopped... i wont spoil the rest of the game but this game has changed my life. Thank you Kit. Thank you.
Once again seeing the number of entries on the game jame 15 page, I considered if playing through most, if not all of them, would be a worthy task to attempt. A useful task to attempt. A sane task to attempt. A question important to me especially now, since life is currently leading me astray to different places. Less free time for goofy silly fun fun stuff leads to valuing the time more. Even if I know I still have quite a good bit of it.
Alas, this game, nay, art piece reminded me the reason for this journey. Yes, the mountain seems ridiculous. And the action of slowly moving a Sekibanki head to the right may seem simplistic in nature. But it’s my journey, my experience. Never fully knowing where the end lies, only seeing an occasional nod from the creator. Keep going I must. With due time, I got used to the rotating head’s quirks, and settled in my chair. A comfort of sorts was found.
The treasure of this experience lies in what happens next, for all of that was a mere setup.
When I reached the top, I was baffled. An ending? This soon? Just when the plot had developed, just when the music had set in, just when the characters had barely started showing their character? A form of closure was brought as an option. A choice was brought upon me. Roll back down? Surely not. Why did I go up this thing in the first place? I’m not Sisyphus. But then the only option is… well, one must go on. The same as I did while scaling up the mountain.
And so, the journey was over. The credits rolled, and the game was over. I proceeded to stand up from my chair and clap 15 times.
Thank you for making this game. For my evening was made better because of it. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I liked the game because I’m a biased Sekibanki fan. Hmmm.
Also, I’m baffled you still had the time to add a post-game to this near perfect display of human creativity. Definitely putting this image up as a wallpaper somewhere. Cheers!
Final rating: 150/15
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