Rwemilia Survivors when (jk game's simple and fun)
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AxelSgrJo Pio Mickael Leroux them3ds Worm38
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also can you release the music please i really love the music lol
really fun, arts nice, i love the music, but the lag gets pretty bad, and when seija appears im unable to see her bullets because of the constant lasers and it gets too laggy to dodge then i die lol
great game, just need to fix the lag issue and the bullet issue!
Pretty fun being able to off-screen everything...until I was not
cirno truly became the strongest with this one, love the artstyle, balancing seems good, music and the story are pretty nice and I truly do love not knowing what is happening on my screen
the only challenge was really early and in the end, it does take a little time once I kill everything for the dialogue to continue, or maybe some enemy was stuck somewhere hidden, i dont know, I should have known better than to ram into the boss to find out how much ill get damaged
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