Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam. Although all our jams are chill, October is, at least on the US, all about chills of a different kind. However, although the costumes, the candy, and the night thrills are great, you always get a few people that turn off their lights and pretend they are not around when the little ghost'n'goblins come to their door. Now, depending where you live, that's gonna get you TP-ed pretty damn quick, but at Week Sauce we don't like to judge, so we thought of a theme that fits both the Halloween fans and the deniers.
The theme for October is…
Do we mean ghoulish spells of misfortune and other witchy curses… or the favorite 6-sided polygon of the old-school war-gamer? It's up to you! Maybe do both!
As you know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a “work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. However, we do have a monthly (totally optional) theme that we announce a few days before the start of the month in case you need help getting the creative juices going.
Did you make a game with this theme but finished it past the due date? No problem! Get in touch and I will send you a link to upload it.
Want to share what you are working on, or need any help? Join our Discord server!
Happy haunts!
—Miguel Friginal