I like the idea of this game,I like the graphics however the execution could be a lot better. My main problem with this game is that it gives you good and bad choices as if it's going to matter if your evil,yeah it may give you a status effect if your nasty but being perfectly nice can do that to you as well! Not to mention it's near impossible to if not entirely impossible to end the game with a pure heart as even when you choose good options you can get dolled corruption points for some outlandish reason that comes straight out of left field! I get administering negative status effects for some good options as that would make sense and would put forth the moral that it's not easy being nice but it's worth it in the long run, except in this game oh wait it's not worth it. It's not worth it as regardless of whether your an evil monster or Winnie the Pooh you get the same ending if you survive making the point of having good and evil decisions entirely null. In fact if your evil it's a lot easier to survive so not only does the game reward you for being a merciless jerk it also enforces the idea that it's easier to succeed in life if you are. I don't know like I enjoyed playing the game but was left disappointed by the good and evil choice mechanics and their minimal effect on game play. I also found the fact that it's near impossible to not become corrupted even when making positive choices as once you do it's pretty much impossible to revert back to being good a rather frustrating mechanic. I'm sorry if this rating seems critical because I really did want to love this game the graphics are beautiful and the idea is super cool I hope you'll make more games in the future or even remaster this one as it's clear it does have a lot of potential.