Power on - has that lovely oscillation stuff going on with the clippy percussion. Booting up is next level how the synth hits are system-dings and the percussion clicking is someone performing keystrokes getting started. Devnull's like driving pound is one of these tracks i would be playlisting in 'good SFX trip i found' on repost exchange because i'm an ignorant goober and i don't bother with the formal name of 'glitch' or whatever the proper genre name is. In my world - before it got heavy and sounded more like dubstep toward the end, the first part's strumming made me fondly think of the older versions of Dwarf Fortress's music when it starts. Freed memory - superb light jazz, a significant chunk of my releases on soundcloud are like that (although not always gentle).
Overall I seriously enjoyed this submission and was pleased to be able to rate it. Quite happy with it!