Thanks for the passive aggressive reply, but you have no reason to be upset than annoyed. I am making a post on top of hundreds because that's the point of presenting a underlying issue that has 0 excuse to not be implemented. The admins may know about this feature request, but if that were true I doubt they would just sit on this for years while endlessly throwing up game-jam calendars or whatever they do (I clearly don't know, because they don't do anything. They can host games but can't code a blacklist search parameter. Ridiculous.)
Instead of making replies, like you have for years because I recognize you, maybe you should compile these hundreds of posts and send them in an email to make the point across that it's simply too difficult for users to sift through over 1,000,000 games just by tags alone.
Hope your day gets better, as I can tell I got under your skin even though it's your job. -Moozly