There's several bugs and suggestion I'll list.
1. Random crashes here and there. I can't replicate but it could be a memory leak as the longer you play, most likely it seems to happen.
2. There was a Quest B given by the priest (I can't remember which one but it was after you defeated the ghost/demon area with a useless escort person (which I will name Quest A) where it teleports you to another area, I accidently walked back (I believe to the left side) and it took me to the blocked off place to the left of Quest A. At which point, I can only go right and fight the demon boss again behind the curtain to get out, but from this point, I could no longer finish the original Quest B as I cannot teleport to the start of Quest B.
3. The game locks up if a person walks into a space with something else whether it's you or teammate or another object. This applies to the lady that's blocking to the dungeon in the village. If you talk to her on the left side of her, she is suppose to move left but since you're there, the game locks up (it also locks up if you keep talking to her as she keeps going one step to the left until she can't anymore). This also applies to a quest from a person in the Inn after you upgrade Tourism (you spelled that wrong in the upgrade area) where you're suppose to beat up her husband. I'm not sure what happens but I can only assume that someone is suppose to go to a spot where it's already occupied. I had party members that's blocking the entrance and that's what probably caused this but once you trigger this quest, you're stuck as you cannot leave and you cannot proceed, so if you didn't save or the both autosave is messed up, you're screwed.
4. After the quest from the Priest to look for her daughter who has been going crazy training after you've become a bronze adventurer, if you speak to her, she ask to join you to train (at this time, I already had 3 other party members). I'm not sure if she's suppose to be a party member or not here but she's not there and no matter how many times I fight in the west or the east (or even in the dungeon), nothing seems to happen. She's just gone from her room and not in my party. I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do to complete this quest.
5. This isn't a bug but I would highly suggest to add a "Memory" or something in the menu to see all the scenes (whether it's a story scene or scene) that you've triggered before. You can add ???? for those that have not been seen yet or unlocked.
6. Are Darkness Blade and Holy Blade skills bugged? The other elemental skills you buy from the Magic Circle shop work and they cost 150 mana but the Darkness Blade and Holy Blade which cost 200 mana aren't usable even if you have more than 200 mana.
7. I'm not sure if I'm mistaken but I got a quest that was on the west side of the village where you can move up on the road to another area (only accessible through this quest). I didn't complete this quest until later after passing the test and becoming a bronze adventurer and when I did, I didn't seem to get any award. I believe it's the Mayor that gave you this quest but I couldn't go back to his house to talk to him to get the reward (probably just gold so probably not important when I have access to the dungeon at this point) but still, I think this is a bug.
8. I got a key from the mayor's house from the piano I believe, which unlocks the gate to getting 2 Saint Fruit. After the dungeon was unlocked and I could no longer go to the Mayor's house, I found a key on the crate next to the entrance to the Mayor's house. Is this the key the same key or is this for something else? I can't find any other place in the village that is "locked". Also, key items such as carrots you have to get, etc.. for quest don't show up in the key item list or anywhere else so I can't find or read description for this key to find what it's used for.
9. When you get enough quest done and automatically trigger the battle against the chaos enemy that killed your father, I wish there's a prompt for it for when you're "ready" instead of just forcing you to it.
10. The multiple quest that have chest that is unlocked by a code. If people don't know the code, it seems you're out of luck and can't go back to get them (Darkness Blade, Holy Blade and the Darkness Robe (forgot the full name). Maybe have a way to go back to those places for those people to unlock later in the game? Also, I can't buy fairy potion after passing the test as it seems that person was the only one to sell them (hopefully I'm wrong, sorry, just a completionist).
There's probably more stuff but this is all I can think of. Thanks for the game!