Note: 99% of thes is maybe just me rambling abovte abselutly nothing you do you dont get burnt out have fun whef what you are making and have a nice day
1 my opinion (defrenly heresy)
2 probely a nofing qualityl fing
3 snakes???
4 mybe level mecanic
1: i have playet your game and its updates is defrently going to be on my radar. I like the plant on the wall whef the littel mecanic to cut a shotcut whef it carontly have my favoriet deaf animation.
2: i fount it a littel hard to drop down stairs well walking down of them my conecting the stairs to the beam they are attached to make them on collidebol on comand myte be to much work for to littel when your system likely just decibels collison for a fhew frames
3: is ther any plans for any snakes/nagas to be added into the game if they dit get adder they can clime poles in the back gronde cult apply to other creturs to if so tho?
4: ider to level if you givet som enemys a den they move to after eating you you cult make some pakur/puzzel whef it or just make it a quick way to get to a high gronde. The reson for thes working dosent matter that much, slow digestion, weird chemicalsits op to you
As I sad dont fell pressuret by any of thes 99% rambling sorry abovte the long coment i hope it wasn't to dumb