I decided to play the other pizza-based submission :)
I like the idea of having the three characters you switch between, and I would have liked to see a version where they have unique abilities or roles. At one point I think one of the characters did a two-hit combo, but I haven't been able to make that happen again. It's timing based maybe? I haven't found the timing or the trigger. I like that the other characters have some AI to try and help out when you're not controlling them, although it seems to only activate sometimes.
There's a few bugs I found:
- It's possible to continue attacking enemies with dead characters, even after a game over. This is because the E and Space actions still work for dead characters. (It tries to switch you back off dead characters I noticed, but if you're fast you can still hit stuff :p)
- The environment doesn't seem to be completely sanitized after a game over. I noticed sometimes the animation state on characters carries over, and one time the position of the beard guy carried over.
I played about 30 minutes so far, but I haven't beaten wave 2! I must be bad still, perhaps there's more to find later on. I'll try to reach wave 3.
Perfect game, 🍕/7