yu-ming is from qingdao, china! she actually moved to baker city, oregon at 6 (oregon is where, canonically, golden grove is set) before moving to where golden grove is in oregon !! she learned english beforehand and actually being in the us helped her english develop a little more !! she still has a bit of an accent on certain words and speaks mandarin at home and chinglish when lazy.
im currently redesigning my mc kojo, who is ghanaian and korean. i originally intended him to be from london, but changed all of that 💔 he's now from melbourne, australia! he moved to compton, california at 7 years old and learned spanish from the old lady next door !! he speaks korean at home, as his ma is korean. in my lore, her english name is opal, and her korean name is ju-hyeon. she moved to australia when she was 20 or something, before having kojo at 25.
kojo is now also greek, cuz im really into percy jackson atm. i imagine his dad being ghanaian and greek. kojo can speak a lot of languages 😼 (twi (spoken in ghana), korean, chinese (he learned it for qiu only to found out that kid can barely speak or read/write it), german for tammy, greek and ancient greek cuz he's a nerd, mexican spanish from the lady next door, and some more i have yet to think of 💔💔)