Hey, I remember your game That Night in the Rain from Scream Secrets! With this and Regrets, it looks like you're taking more interesting narrative directions when exploring the point-and-click formula you've established very well. Like the others, this is enormously polished, vividly illustrated, and I think the main appeal is obviously this game's twist - that the investigative mystery reveals the player is the creep. The illustration of the player character's creepy twisted face coming out, and the strange journal entries pointing at the player, is a delight.
For constructive feedback - well, you clearly know what you're doing so there isn't much - but finding a way to innovate on the point-and-click mechanics might be an interesting next step. But definitely feel some of this - particularly more involved narrative sequences or puzzles - is a lot of effort for jam games, and you're already doing above and beyond of what's generally feasible in a week or so!