This is very professionally made! I am quite lost for words really, I would even believe it if you tell me it's already selling on Steam. Very very well done! The gameplay is very fun, dragging stuff around with not much precise controls. The models especially the elephant is criminally cute, and the music is a banger too! I totally don't regret downloading to play it (as I don't really do downloads) and this is way worth the wait.
So let's jump on to some feedback. It's a shame that the layout for levels 2 and 3 is the same with just different placements. I am totally expecting a different antique shop with different items, but I guess this is way too much to ask for in a one-week jam, but I had hopes lol. Is also very difficult to select what you want to grab when they are stacked together. An example would be the shell on top of the boxes, where I don't think I've managed to grab shell without taking the boxes first. The black outline was quite unnoticeable too, which adds to the frustration of not knowing if you are taking the thing you want to take. Also I do see that occasionally item may clip through the floor and be lost forever, but that is rare.
Anyway, love this game so much! Well done! And 8 people too? wow, you must be out of your mind coordinating such a large team.