ehehe, sorry, this got a bit long and rambley, but i just want to mention how much i love Purrfect Apawcalypse, despite only discovering it at like, 1am or something. (also i'd totally be throwing my money at this series if i wasnt broke)
wowowow where do i start with this??? :3
ok, so i first discovered the game really early this mewrning! yeah, this one! it had popped up while i was scrolling for new games to play! i clicked on the link leading to the first game, and i was a bit iffy about the gore and blood, cause i'm in a bit of a fragile mental state currently, but i played it anyways and wowie did i ever love it!!!! it took me a while to get the "everyone survives" ending, but i succeeded!
then i went onto the second game, purrgatory furever, after taking a shower!! (and giving myself a furcut- i mean haircut!) it took me a lot longer to even get past chapter 2, but i managed. i trusted the meat. by this point, i was absolutely enamored with olive and their little group of furiends, and beclaws i'm nonbinary as well, i really felt like i related with olive's friendly character and their point of view!!!
by the end of the second game, i didnt even pawse before moving onto the third game, here. i really wanted to see efurryone's adventures and interactions- they felt like my furiends, too, and i was so happy to spend more time with them all!! thankfully, i managed to get the purrfect ending on my first playthrough, and now that i'm done, i'm here now writing this review at 10am, having not slept at all! gosh, i don't think i'll ever be able to furget this series and all the loveable characters! it was an amazing ride from start to finish and i'm honestly a bit sad that it had to come to an end. but really, i just want to say thank you to the devs for taking me- or rather, us, all of the players on such a wild ride through this series! it really was purrfect!<3
Thank you! :D