I really enjoyed this! I loved that there were actual scientific concepts being used as the basis for this theoretical nightmare...for example, explaining how you can communicate with the patient by referencing Broca's area (the speech center of the brain) being hooked up to the machine. The pacing, with the hints toward weirdness/wrongness of the situtation amping up over time, was also masterful.
Discover My Body reminds me of a classic scary campfire tale combined with a retro yet novel form of gameplay (-the scanning interface with different bodily systems and hot spots to click for dialogue). Overall this is a very clean, sharp and unique philosophical horror game.
I would love to see an expanded version of the game, but if not, I look forward to seeing your future projects in general! And if you do have past games on itch.io, well I'm about to play them when I go to your dev page after posting this comment! :)
Edit: Just realized I had played Water Womb World by you a few days before this game- I knew Yames sounded familiar. Haha, anyway, loving your stuff.