It's quite sad that the mix of "Mac OS + WebGL" doesn't allow me to play the game without lags. Perhaps, it didn't matter anyways, because the game is still amazing. I was always a fan of this art style, because it inspires me to work more too.
For some reason, although the idea is so simple, I haven't seen anyone making a game about the school, which was a fresh new perspective on the theme.
The voices for children are the best part, I want to see how you were trying to record them with serious faces XD
I actually think that despite having a really beautiful tutorial in the beginning, it was still difficult to figure out what those kids want from me (or maybe it's supposed to simulate the real life. If this is the case, then it's quite accurate). So, I ended up trying to put theme into the fire by myself...
Loved the game :D hopefully, we can expect the video of how the game was done