The game is really fun to play, i lost myself playing to it, and the art and music is really cute and well done.
PS. Your game deserve some more love , in my opinion!!! 😗
Here's my feedback:
- The menù looks like a logo (i stared at him for more than i want to admit it 🤣)
- While shifting on the ground you can see oob
- I tought, because you teached me the the slow motion before falling in the pit, that the fish skeleton would hurt me and i had to dodge it mid air
- The propulsion with the projectle is hard (whitout slowing time, witch is never really explained you can do that)
- You explained me that i can hurt the enemys with the rewinded projectles, but you never explained me what are the benefit to do it, nor put me in a situation where i need that mechainc
- Hard cut on the end, some sort of ending animation would be nice
- The goal isn't really clear (I just got it because i like slauthering enemys), and if you don't kill the starting enemys i belive you softlocked yourself (Unless there's a way to get up to the start that i haven't seen, that is)....