The Company is a corporate dystopian survival horror RPG in the broad style of SCP, Resident Evil, or The Belko Experiment.
It's 48 pages, split across a player-facing Employee's Handbook and a GM-facing Management Manual. It's also got solid, evocative art, and a pretty clean, readable layout---although some pages can be a little densely packed sometimes.
Mechanically, The Company is pretty compact, but it packs a decent crunch. You roll small d10 pools with the individual dice tipped towards failure, but tools or help swing the odds way back towards success, and there's a distinct feeling of being less vulnerable when you're in a group.
There's a sanity/attrition system called Burnout, where you accumulate Stress, and your Stress determines the odds of you suffering penalties or loss of control at certain junctures.
There's also mechanics for pushing your luck, rerolling failed dice, and rolling over successes into new rolls, giving you ways to grit your teeth and try to fight your way out of a bad situation---or make it worse.
Characters are supposed to be pretty disposable in this system, and your +Dice currency (Drive) is also your exp, so it's on you to balance buying character advances against banking Drive to avoid getting torpedoed by a low dice pool in a bad situation. That said, Drive doesn't add a lot of dice per point spent, so it feels more like a last line of defense than something you have to consider using on the regular.
There's quite a good range of perks and items to dress up and customize your character, and the books do a good job of building and maintaining a tense but engaging atmosphere. It's pretty easy to see The Company being run as a one-shot or mini-campaign, but I think it can hold its own in regular play too. A lot of how it runs is going to depend on the GM's scenario-writing, but the game's basic premise makes it easy to write for.
Which brings us to the Management Manual.
The MM pulls back the curtain on what the setting looks and feels like, it gives some great GMing advice, and it contains a ready-made scenario to intro teams to the game.
The scenario starts pretty abruptly on page 6, but it's a very nice high stakes creature feature with a slow burn at the beginning and a lot of gunfire at the end. If you're a GM who likes to build tension, there's *lots* of opportunities for that, and if you're a group that likes tactics and combat, there's plenty of that in the scenario as well.
Overall, if you like pulpy action survival horror, you should add this to your library. It's easy to learn. It's got its own distinct flavor. It does a very good job of balancing player agency with growing danger and risk. And it lets you shift back and forth between being heroic and being scared as your resources wax and wane. This game page feels very blank, but the books are absolutely the opposite, rich with cool art and content. This is a sleeper hit. Don't sleep on it.
Minor Issues:
-EH, page 5, Resting, the text here says "spend loyalty" but the text for Drive suggests that you should be spending Drive instead. I also couldn't find any text that indicated what loyalty points were or how you accumulated them.
-EH, page 6, the formatting of the right sidebar makes it hard to read.