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I was talking about Iliad because of the spears and shields, (and even  for the rocks that you can throw, but this part works well for Hercales with the Lion part), and also for the gods interventions in the Iliade. You can mixed all the 3 stories and be close to the spirit of the 3 stories. That works in your game. The focus on the twelve Labours is more original i think, and your fight with the Lion of Nemea proves it. Iliad is just very very violent and brutal, and no one really knows why they are fighting, it's not that original for a video game. The twelve labours and the odyssey are far more interesting. Even the part with the Trojan horse can be the begin of the Odyssey that is also more interesting. Maybe it's a stupid idea but auto aiming with the javelins could solves some troubles (if it's not too hard to implement) or more simple: they have an incredible force so with a more straight line for throwing javelins could be easier for aiming. Good luck for all your projects.