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I like the concept of this game, it's pretty fun to play. However, there are a few things of note.

1: Sometimes the kobolds just cannot attack. Their Sprite flips around and no matter what I do they can no longer see any of the enemies. I'm not sure what causes it, I think it might be something that happens when you select them at the fort

2: Knowing there are 6 levels and that the 6th level is just made improbable because of the really high ore count required to win. It's very unsatisfying knowing that I'm on the last level just for it to not be doable. I think having the last level be beatable at any point with lots of ore so that you can choose how long you stay there would of been a better idea for obtaining a high score.

3: Kobolds don't shoot all that fast making it impossible at times to avoid damage. Some movements of the enemies just do not allow for any hits until they're already on you. Having an upgrade to the kobolds attack speed would've been nice, especially in level 3 when they become really fast outta nowhere and to maybe help combat the waves in level 6

4: Clicking the Kobolds can be a bit finicky at times. Sometimes I want to select one of my miners and move him up to attack cause enemies are start to pile up but I end up hitting the ore since they kinda overlap each other at times causing my attacker (the last one I had selected) to start moving towards the ore so I now have to try and salvage the position I had which doesn't always work. And sometimes I click them and I can't do anything with them until I click them again

Despite all that though, I really enjoyed playing this game. Bouncing everyone between mining and attacking is a nice risk vs reward system. Do I move one now or wait a little longer to speed up the process of mining? I like the noises the kobolds make, the music sets the tone really well, and I really dig the art style. (Sorry for the wall of text)