My goodness, my gracious, my froggness! This is wonderful!
I was intending to try to play each game for 5 to 10 minutes, but somehow I played Frog Finder for over an hour and still found it difficult to draw myself away from. I don't expect that I will play another game from this jam that I appreciate as much.
I enjoyed working out the various puzzles, and appreciated that the lizard puzzle (not the other lizard puzzle, that lizard puzzle) made sure that there was still something for me to feel like I was learning the ins and outs of when I discovered the third difficulty.
I also found myself constantly enjoying the unexpected moments and defied expectations that the game crafted for me. Getting sharked in the menu screen??? Fantastic!
I felt that the 2 - 3 frame animations bringing a sense of constant movement gave the game a dynamic and fun feel that elevates what's there in a very efficient and effective way. The background animals are a great touch that gives a little something extra for the mind and the eye to absorb alongside everything else that's going on. I can't help but feel that every visual, aural, and mechanical aspect of this game is exceedingly deliberate and well executed.
Edit: Now that I think about it, maybe the two lizard games would benefit from having slightly more visual differentiation at the outset, but that's a very, very small friction point in a wholly lovely experience.
I did find myself wishing for a sticker book to place and appreciate my found friends, but I also feel like there's value in that wanting, and in feeling like that hug moment is the last moment and should be treasured (until next time).
I'm sure I will be coming back to Frog Finder for many hours to come :)
I hope you had a positive experience with Godot, and thanks for doing a Linux build!