It’s been a while so not 100% sure why I made the switch but I think it may have been related to the way that the two handle vertex colouring. From memory I think there were 2 main reasons:
- HPSXRP feels a bit more authentic to me, partly because it forces you to work in a more authentic workflow (in my opinion). Due to the nature of HPSXRP being a render pipeline vs. PSX Effects being a camera effect, HPSXRP doesn’t require a script to be attached to the camera.
- Again, I think the vertex colouring was a bit different between the 2 workflows.
Other than that, I really like PSX Effects! HPSXRP is more work to actually set up and get going, so if you want something quick and easy to use and 99% authentic, PSX Effects is well worth the money. When I bought it I think it was about $10 AUD.