?: "Only what? Because of you, the two of us and anyone else in these woods have been dragged from our homes and left for dead. So what exactly were you trying to?"
She glared at him with the fury of a thousand suns.
"P-Please stop!"
"... I never wanted you all to be dead.. I-I just.. I don't know-You people seemed so.. nice, I never wanted y'all to be taken from your homes-I was only thinking maybe-...Maybe I could have some friends...Do you know how hard it is not to scare someone away when I look like this?...I-It's.. It's difficult.. every time i try to leave the forest and see if i can keep someone company-They all run away, I'm a monster and I know that-Do you need to rub it in!?.. DO you need to rub in the fact I'm nothing but THIS!?.. I can't even keep the people that came here before you all-And you decide to rub it in the fact they T O O K-. . . . .. . . .You... You humans are always the same.. you see something you don't understand.. something you believe is a threat-And you try to eliminate it.. or run away from it... well guess what-"
With a sudden yank, Penny, was wrapped around by his tail-But to then only be shoved infront of him for just a moment, before pushed by the tip of his tail towards the stranger. His hands were clenched tightly, little drops of blood starting to leak from the presumably deep wounds he gave himself-And with a low-tone.. and a death-giving look.. he yelled at them-
"I'm TIRED.. of trying to befriend you Humans.. you always-ALWAYS treat me wrongly-Despite of what I try to do for you all-Take yourself and gather the rest of the people here-I don't care, but if you believe you know me the go right ahead-Run away from the freak of nature-Go on, RUN AWAY FROM ME-THAT'S WHAT YOU HUMANS DO BEST WHEN YOU MEET ME, ISN'T IT NOW!?"
Penny squeaked, driven into the woman's arms who instinctively held her, Penny hiding her face because YOU SCARED HER SIR-SHE WASN'T SCARED OF YOU BUT YOU UPSET HER AND NOW SHE'S SCARED-neither of them ran. Through gritted teeth, buff lady spoke-
?: "You're just as bad as 'us humans' if not worse."
She looked down at Penny
?: "It's ok, he's not going to hurt us-"
"I-I know that i-it's just y-you shouldn't antagonize him-"
?: "I'm only treating him the way he treated me."
". . . Treated you?...For years upon years, my entire life I've been looking for someone I can just be without hate-Someone I can just talk with when I'm hurt.. You?....You've just drove me over the edge-YOU......Look at me...I'm even scaring the one who trusted me even the slightest bit.....Penny.. have a good life. Whoever you are, I don't care what you do-But try to keep her safe until you leave, you know the way out.. I'm.."
For a moment, that moment of anger started to slowly loosen.. and that same gentle person that was moments earlier was starting to show; Of course, his eyes shut for a moment, his clenched hands finally going limp...yep, just as suspected-His nails had pierced threw his own skin. But he didn't even seem to care, slowly.. a laugh began to come from him.. not from amusement, but...well, the shakey-speaking was enough to tell it all; He turned his back from the two, throwing his hands in the air for a moment-
"Go ahead!.. I'm not even going to try to convince you to stay-One of you are bound to suuuuddenlly feel sorry for me, that's how the fairy tales work!.. The "Villain" starts to cry, and the knight in shiiiining armorrrr starts to feel bad for him, Just.. leave me be.. go find the rest who have been forced in this dreadful place.. I'm going back home...-"
She laughed bitterly
"No. No I don't feel badly for you. I understand being cheated by the world, and I get how horrific the fear and rejection can be. But that does NOT give you the right to belittle and harass others. Oh, you can do this whole pitiful routine now, playing the victim, but that doesn't change the fact that you're just trying to guilt us into feeling badly for you, when not five minutes ago you called us all the same...when you implied that all humans are ignorant asses who hurt others. You don't wish to be stereotyped and yet you do the same to us. How can you be given a chance when you won't even give one to the people who, might I add, you summoned here with no context? We have no idea why we're here or what you want with us, of course we're scared and angry. What else would you possibly expect!?"
".. Heh. Pitful routine now?.. Please...you don't understand a single thing about how cold the world is.. you don't understand how it feels to be thrown out of your own kind because of something like, oh I don't know-Trying to be with humans?...I apolgize for "Trying to guilt you", Or, "Not giving you a chance"-But do you have any idea how many chances I have given to every.. single person.. That's been brought here?... Why do you think you've been brought here?.. I've given the ones who I've never been able to see a chance."
"But tell me this, Human. Have you seen fear itself before?.. Have you ever been so scared for your life, you haven't been able to unsee what your death should've been?... Trust me, believe this is another thing you call guilt-tripping, but this is a question for the both of you.. but despite this.. you still think I only see you humans as ignorant. And I bet you still do, I don't care. I apologize once again for making you feel scared and upset.. and I try to do what I can to make sure you aren't, and you believe your sooo right-... You will know soon enough.. I try to never scare you humans-"
With a slight "snarl" in his last words, his head tilted slightly down-Back still turned from them both-
". . . I never try. And yet I somehow still succeed.. One, more, question for you both.....When has it been since you've experienced a true pain...not a paper cut-Nor a light wound-......An excruciating pain you can never heal... not from being ripped away from only your home, but the enjoyment of life itself-....When has it been since you've been able to feel that feeling...has it been today-Today where you've finally seen me at my weakest?.. Or has it been some time in the past, that only made this day so much worse.. What is it?.. Can you even describe it?"
"...Can't I now?...You told me all I ever have done to you humans was assume.. harass.. torment.. you all for something I can never get without asking for something like this.... Have you ever felt.. broken from the world.. felt as if your own kind, your own friends and people...never wanted you here to begin with?"
Finally, he had turned himself to them both...but instead of the face of sadness or anger...It was just...a blank expression...
"...Have you ever been hurt by your own loved ones?.. Not just by words, but by being impaled with a level of pain so horrific.. not even the gods would be able to handle it, but you've been forced to feel every single second of it because you just can't for the love of god D i e ?....That's...what you've constantly reminded me of, Humans. That's what you reminded me every day and night, because of something I can't ever be honest with before you all decide to hate me...I'll tell you this, you two...It's horrible. Feeling every inch of a almost-molten metal being drove threw every skin, every muscle...it's an incredibly awful feeling...you will n e v e r . . . understand this pain...you would just die to quickly...But trust me... your little stories...You think after telling me once I'm done speaking, I'll feel remorse for you. Just how you won't for me... Just how you demanded me to get away from Penny because of something you haven't ever been able to see with your own eyes... I ' m o n l y t r e a t i n g y o u t h e w a y y o u t r e a t e d m e . . ."
"...I may have.. taken my words a bit too far.. -sigh-...I'm.. sorry you two... I've just..-"
Okay look, as much as he would LOVE to keep up his little act and what not-But look-He hated seeing people cry. He can be, REAL sadistic, don't get me wrong-But he is for the love of god sometimes someone who is just, NOT the one to let people cry. At least people he hoped would be, yk, friend. Point being, He slowly brought his hand against Penny's cheek, of course though-Moving it of after moving her head slightly up-.. He, really.. really didn't want to startle them anymore than he already did.
"... I apologize deeply for what I've forced you to be reminded of.. I can't even keep my own promises.. my own things of hate-.. And I'm completely fine with that... but I will keep my promise to.. make sure you 2 are okay.. Penny.. I apologize for making you listen to me bicker on and force you to listen to the cruel things in this world.. As for you.. I....I still need to get your name-.. I'm...I'm sorry for being so, so rude to you.. You were only doing what was right.. worrying for someone who you thought was endanger.. I apologize for making you be reminded of horrible things you've had to go threw yourself.. and I apologize for the way I've acted...to the both of you."