"... I never wanted you all to be dead.. I-I just.. I don't know-You people seemed so.. nice, I never wanted y'all to be taken from your homes-I was only thinking maybe-...Maybe I could have some friends...Do you know how hard it is not to scare someone away when I look like this?...I-It's.. It's difficult.. every time i try to leave the forest and see if i can keep someone company-They all run away, I'm a monster and I know that-Do you need to rub it in!?.. DO you need to rub in the fact I'm nothing but THIS!?.. I can't even keep the people that came here before you all-And you decide to rub it in the fact they T O O K-. . . . .. . . .You... You humans are always the same.. you see something you don't understand.. something you believe is a threat-And you try to eliminate it.. or run away from it... well guess what-"
With a sudden yank, Penny, was wrapped around by his tail-But to then only be shoved infront of him for just a moment, before pushed by the tip of his tail towards the stranger. His hands were clenched tightly, little drops of blood starting to leak from the presumably deep wounds he gave himself-And with a low-tone.. and a death-giving look.. he yelled at them-
"I'm TIRED.. of trying to befriend you Humans.. you always-ALWAYS treat me wrongly-Despite of what I try to do for you all-Take yourself and gather the rest of the people here-I don't care, but if you believe you know me the go right ahead-Run away from the freak of nature-Go on, RUN AWAY FROM ME-THAT'S WHAT YOU HUMANS DO BEST WHEN YOU MEET ME, ISN'T IT NOW!?"