".. Heh. Pitful routine now?.. Please...you don't understand a single thing about how cold the world is.. you don't understand how it feels to be thrown out of your own kind because of something like, oh I don't know-Trying to be with humans?...I apolgize for "Trying to guilt you", Or, "Not giving you a chance"-But do you have any idea how many chances I have given to every.. single person.. That's been brought here?... Why do you think you've been brought here?.. I've given the ones who I've never been able to see a chance."
"But tell me this, Human. Have you seen fear itself before?.. Have you ever been so scared for your life, you haven't been able to unsee what your death should've been?... Trust me, believe this is another thing you call guilt-tripping, but this is a question for the both of you.. but despite this.. you still think I only see you humans as ignorant. And I bet you still do, I don't care. I apologize once again for making you feel scared and upset.. and I try to do what I can to make sure you aren't, and you believe your sooo right-... You will know soon enough.. I try to never scare you humans-"
With a slight "snarl" in his last words, his head tilted slightly down-Back still turned from them both-
". . . I never try. And yet I somehow still succeed.. One, more, question for you both.....When has it been since you've experienced a true pain...not a paper cut-Nor a light wound-......An excruciating pain you can never heal... not from being ripped away from only your home, but the enjoyment of life itself-....When has it been since you've been able to feel that feeling...has it been today-Today where you've finally seen me at my weakest?.. Or has it been some time in the past, that only made this day so much worse.. What is it?.. Can you even describe it?"