They slumped in his arms, quickly passing out again. They really were just-so fragile...
Of course, he DID have Vi on his back-think a piggy back ride in a way. It would've actually been pretty hard to tell they were even there if their hair didn't stick out like a sore tumb. But, regardless-He raised an eyebrow slightly, wondering just what they were looking at in Leo's notebook-Whichhhh, just made him move a slighttt bit quicker, a little smile on his face. TvT
".. Heh, now what are you guys looking at-, Did I miss something while I was gone?"
".. Erm.. did-, Did I interrupt something?"
Yeeeeah, he was-basically next to them at this point. Of course he wasn't even CLOSE to being able to just look over Leo to see whatever he drew-Buuuut knowing him, he'd soon enough get answerssss- u v u, but anyways; He was honestly just starting to coil up on the opposite side of Penny, (or well, on her side, just on her other side-? <->)
"S-Sorry if-If I did. ;v;"
"...Am I safe to assume whatever your looking at is, is about me?"
...WELL DAMN HE FIGURED IT OUT QUICKLY-....Kinda, maybe-He shrugged his shoulders slightly as he began to slowly slip Vi infront of himself, He was basically holding them like a baby-But we don't-(talk about brunoooo~ u v u), about that. TvT
"Eh, I can kinda figure it's something similar to me, I mean you were drawing or-Writing something earlier when my tail was on you."