stilllll they-
aaaanyways-smol timeskip?
Of course, he DID have Vi on his back-think a piggy back ride in a way. It would've actually been pretty hard to tell they were even there if their hair didn't stick out like a sore tumb. But, regardless-He raised an eyebrow slightly, wondering just what they were looking at in Leo's notebook-Whichhhh, just made him move a slighttt bit quicker, a little smile on his face. TvT
".. Heh, now what are you guys looking at-, Did I miss something while I was gone?"
".. Erm.. did-, Did I interrupt something?"
Yeeeeah, he was-basically next to them at this point. Of course he wasn't even CLOSE to being able to just look over Leo to see whatever he drew-Buuuut knowing him, he'd soon enough get answerssss- u v u, but anyways; He was honestly just starting to coil up on the opposite side of Penny, (or well, on her side, just on her other side-? <->)
"S-Sorry if-If I did. ;v;"
"...Am I safe to assume whatever your looking at is, is about me?"
...WELL DAMN HE FIGURED IT OUT QUICKLY-....Kinda, maybe-He shrugged his shoulders slightly as he began to slowly slip Vi infront of himself, He was basically holding them like a baby-But we don't-(talk about brunoooo~ u v u), about that. TvT
"Eh, I can kinda figure it's something similar to me, I mean you were drawing or-Writing something earlier when my tail was on you."
"... Yes, they are. Pardon for asking about this, but do you think you all are ready to head back to my home?.. I'll need to get you all settled in, and I need to take care of Vi in a moment. Their rather.. sore n tired.. They've dealt with a lot already-And I don't want them catching a cold or anything already."
He said a bittttt with a concerned look while looking down at Vi-He honestly was a bit more worried about them then he was about the book-