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Visually striking game. As others have said, it was a bit hard to get into at first and the screen does get a bit noisy at times. 

I think you could benefit from adding hit stop and camera shake. I am commenting this on many of the games I play, because for whatever reason, no one uses hit stop and camera shake! :)

Camera shake can be achieved by using a coroutine like so:

And called using StartCoroutine(cameraShake(x, y, z, ..));

And hit stop like so:

IEnumerator hitStop(float hitStopTimeScale, float duration) {

     Time.timeScale = hitStopTimeScale;

     yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(duration);

     Time.timeScale = 0f;


I would be happy to playtest an updated build if you make changes. I would also appreciate it if you checked out our game and any feedback you have.


thanks for ur comment, i will add the hit stop like u said