All taken as constructive feedback! I'm a one man team building this game, so bugs and balance scenarios will escape me all the time! Thanks for bringing them to my attention! I really like the idea of some punishments based on perks later in the game, so you can't build an OP build and just coast through, and I will look into implementing that!
Well, if you don't mind more constructive criticism, I have more walls of text.
There are more cases where Cosplay fails. If I play two cards last round and then cosplay, it does not necessarily give the correct value, even if the "last card played" displays the correct power.
If I may make suggestions regarding perks, to make them more consistent;
1) Give one for free at the end of each boss. 2) Provide a guaranteed shop each level, half-way through the level.
By the way, I never saw Outfit Oops in any of my games. It looks like a kind of punishment card, but I don't know how it winds up in the deck.
Cum Cleanup is way too powerful for the price. It's a significantly better version of Bubble Butts at half the price. Once you have it in the game, Bubble Butt is almost redundant, if not for the fact that the two stack. You can safely bump the cost up to 2, possibly even 3.
Creampie (if I remember correctly and that's the card that gives 10 power at 1 health) is waaaay too specialized. If you instead increased the threshold to less than 5 health, it would have some utility. Even less than 10 hp is fine, then you can use it to play a risky deck. As it is now, it's essentially a trap, getting you closer to 1 hp a lot faster.
As it is now, I found the best tactic by far is to get as many delaying cards (like Commando and Bimboification) combined with as many of the card-counting cards (Abundance and Group use). If you have either 5 power or oral fixation, this creates an unstoppable force that can beat up any late game enemy, at minimal damage taken. That's a fine tactic, but it's also the only tactic I've had that works consistently.
There are two alternative ways to win. First, the full latex mode. This is an insta-win, at the cost of locking your hand until you get the winning card. The problem with this tactic is that it only works consistently with a super thin deck. I end up passing almost every card once I have the required combo, except more latex-specific cards. It's also crap until you get all the cards for the combo in your deck. Is this a problem? No, not necessarily. It just is a frustrating deck to play. I have no good suggestion for that.
The other alternative is to stock up on cards that have a lot of punch (Girldick, Free Use, Restrained etc) combined with cards that point to previous cards (Cosplay, Girlfriends etc). The main problem with this is the number of bugs concerning these second cards, which often give wrong value. I can't test it properly until those bugs are ironed out.
Another suggestion: The start of the game is kind of boring, because it's always the same. How about randomizing the player deck slightly? For example, give them 3 Flash, 3 Moon, and 2 other random cards among the unlocked cards? This can potentially give an overpowered start, but it's a pretty random progression anyway. Perhaps limit it to only purple (special) cards and not any with latex, so you don't start with for example Girldick.