Really great concept! One thing I'm not clear on is if the rules are ANDs or ORs. Seems like OR? So if it's "Green Cards" for the first rule and "Prime Numbers" for the second, that means a card that is Green, Prime, or both can be played, correct?
Additionally, I feel like sometimes the rules don't work, but I could be misunderstanding things. For instance, the first card played was a Green 9, but when I lost, the first rule said "Cards that are not Green".
After losing, it'd be nice to be able to see what cards could be played based on the given rule set I lost at, just for clarification, and if I could change Timothy to whatever color/card so that the list would update for the "+/- X numbers" rules.
If you all do an update to this, I'd be super interested in playing. It'd also probably be a fun party game.