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(1 edit) (+1)

A lot of recoil-based movement games feel way too out of control for me, but this was just perfect, I always felt like I had a handle on controlling the diver. You captured the floaty underwater movement in an incredible way. Whenever I hit a wall I felt like it was due to my own failure and not some issue with the game's movement mechanics. 

I would have liked to have been able to hold the mouse to auto fire instead of continuously clicking. The ambient background is nice, but some real music like on the title screen might have made the game feel more lively.

Overall, what was really missing is just... more. More upgrades, more enemies, more powerups, would be awesome to see.

Thanks! It's great to hear that the movement works well for you!

Strange that you couldn't hear the menu music though. I know when I was testing it, the engine's remote debug had a issue where the menu music wouldn't play when the game loads, but that bug seemed to vanish when I uploaded it to itch, so it could be a browser specific issue. If you don't mind, try reopening the game, and either go into the shop or start the game and then return to the menu, that seemed to fix it in the engine. I'll test the game on a few different browsers to see if it's an issue with any of them. It could also be that the ambient background was drowning out the music. There's separate volume sliders in the options menu for both background and music volume in case that was the issue.

I'm also thinking of making a post-jam update with more content. I've already started debugging some of the issues with the current version, but there are also scrapped mechanics and new ideas that I'm tempted to implement. For example, there's an entire boss fight mechanic that I had to scrap due to time and technical constraints. And I could also add an option to switch to autofire (or make it an upgrade).

(1 edit) (+1)

I might not have been clear, the menu music was good, I missed it while playing the game. Looking forward to future updates.

Oh, that makes more sense. Good to know it isn't broken.

I was thinking about having the menu music play everywhere, but I figured that something more intense was needed for the main game (I could be wrong though). When I add more menu features there will at least be a reason for it to play for longer.

(2 edits)

In case you're interested, I've just added some new powerups into the game like you suggested. There's now a shield, a shotgun-like upgrade, and an explosive bullet upgrade (and of course I'm keeping tripleshot). They're ridiculously unbalanced at the moment since you can stack them (my highscore went from about 45k to over 100k), but I'm thinking of adding a battery and radar shop upgrade to counteract that (the radar would affect the rate of upgrades appearing, and the battery would affect powerup time limits). Still haven't gotten around to autofire or enemies, but I figure this is a good start.

Also, I finally figured out shaders, which is why the background it different.

Thanks again for your recommendations!