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Very professional submission! Like the interpretation of the theme.

Very coherent and polished aesthetic. Really nice work on the on the enemies, they looked an interesting mixture of cute and intimidating. Particle effects very nice too, the right click in particular felt satisfying to use.

Amazing Audio design. The combat music really adds to the feel of the game, very reminiscent of Risk of Rain 2. SFX high quality and give some nice oomph to the combat. The voice acting is a rather nice addition.

For some nitpicky improvements:

  • The  Right Click ability is very Overpowered.
  • Maybe tighten up the enemy spawning algorithm. One spawned very close as I was moving and instantly damaged me.
  • It would be nice if the Camera position Lerped a bit towards the mouse, rather than always being directly focused on the Player model.
  • A see through effect on the terrain would be cool when the player moves behind it.
  • The jump felt a bit awkward. Perhaps make it so that you jump upwards fast, then fall slow as if the fall was slowed by the birds wings.

I had a lot of fun playing your submission. Exceptional job. Credits to you and your team!


Thank you so much for this amazing comment and detailed feedback, we truly appreciate that so much! We have a Trello polish board, and I'll be adding the new points: for example the jump and camera position, good point thank you! By a see through effect on the terrain when the player moves behind it (the terrain), I'm not sure I 100% understand. As in, a sort of ghostly overlay on any terrain that is behind you?


Happy to help!

Basically what I mean with the see through effect is that when the player character goes behind/under some terrain, you cannot see them. This can be awkward if you're fighting enemies as you can't see whether they are about to hit you/where to shoot. To fix this problem, it would be good if when moving behind the terrain, the terrain itself would become partially transparent, allowing you to see whats happening behind it.

Sorry if I haven't explained it very well. Its a common QoL feature in most 3D games.


Oh! By terrain (which I'm interpreting as the ground) do you mean the 3D environment assets maybe? Like a wallhack/see through walls but implemented as a feature - sort of like in Assassins Creed when you can use an ability to see the outline of enemies? Could be an idea! Thanks so much :D 


Yup, you got it ;)