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(1 edit)

EDIT: OK, I lied lol. I always forget that I can't play 90% of games on my preferred device, my Macbook 🥲 I do have a Windows machine though, so I'll download it on there after I get up from a nap later.

Ayyy, thanks so much for the awesome feedback Wasabi. I'll try your game out!

This was such a learning project..I actually made an Unreal framework/tool of the same name, and it performs so much better. Granted that's partially because it's all low poly, but suffice it to say I made some performance mistakes in designing the actual game! Hopefully I can track any major ones down and optimize a bit better.

In the mean time the best suggestion I can give anyone for getting better framerate is to play on harder difficulties. The difficulties will invariably lead to a quicker death, and slower final spawn rate of the enemies. Also, the framerate difference on low graphics from medium and high is massive because of some of the new lighting and rendering technologies in UE5, which are disabled in low.

Ah so this is unreal? Makes sense, fsr I couldn't recognize it immediately.

Mostly the problem was just because my computer is too full to handle the game's size and graphics. I'm sure other players will have computers with better performances, so I hope they come across this and give it a play. 

Thanks for giving my game a shot, can you tell me what you thought of it?

Just got around to trying it. It's really neat! I'm sure you've heard this already, but reminds me of old school pokemon or zelda maybe. Love the animations early on in it, and how you synced up the music with the note scrolling on the text.

If I have any criticism, I would say I found the intro music's highest notes were a little too high pitched imo. I definitely think the 8 bit music fits perfectly here, but the highs in particular were a little bit much lol. Overall, great work man! Keep it up and let me know if you ever have any questions I can help with!