Little bear is going as a guest
Three dimensional scene for today based on good and kind animals. Little bear is going as a guest. He wakes up early in the morning. And prepare a basket with dill and onion. He put into basket a very delicious grass. Everything to put into basket. And he, even, has a several baskets. And so, little bear is in a forest, he looking it around. Early in the morning. And, soon, he will go to his friend as a guest. It is a very good thing to be in a forest, when it is every early.
It happens, sun is shining very strong. And it happens, that in the forest it is rather cold. And, even, pretty cold, when it is very very early morning. But little sun – it is always near. And cold is only for some time. Sun is going from a clouds. And it is starting a day and it shines more and more bright. Until it is warm. And even it is hot. So, this way it is a begins a new summer day. Little bear wakes up very happy and positive. Morning should be very interesting. It is also a time to wake up for bugs and grasshoppers.
Right now, he will check all his things. Drill and onion. Such a delicious they are. And he will go slowly to a little bun as a friend. And little bunny since last day wait him and prepare a strawberry, just from his garden. As a delicious things. He told to bear yesterday about it. So, it will be interesting day.
So, bear see how butterflies are already flying to bunny as guest. They are a very big crowd, they fly like a crowd. Different color, multicolors, and so their wings are so beautiful. So, rabbit is running forward and jumping over stumps and fallen trees. Little bird is sit at the stump and also fly to a bunny as friend.
Yes, bunny will have lots of guests today. Bunny is living at the field. A little bear is living at the field, which is in the forest. And bunny – at the field, which in the grass. So far – it is lake with frogs. And even more far – it is a swamp. It is a place for catfish.
So, bear sit down at the stump, and sit for a little time. And now it is time to go. To bunny, as a guest. Today, it is good to take all the baskets. And to go. Not fast. It is good even to sing a funny song. So, bee right now is flying. And little pig is also going there. And another bunny also is going there. They are going right now.
When, when I will back, and lay down at the field. And will think about clouds. They are so different. So, amazing forms they have! So, it will be a very interesting day, today! Said little bear and start to go.
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.