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I liked it, it was a neat exploration of how a scenario like this could go. 👌

I just feel so bad for River. Because no matter which ending you get, they still spent their entire life chasing the past that would never return. Even if they convince Ambrose to come back, the gap in age and life experience would make their relationship so much different from what it once was and I can't imagine River not being disappointed about it. And if they let him go, they still can't get back those years and only have so much more to live. It's bad no matter how you look at it. 😢 (I kinda liked the selfish ending though, 'cause it feels the most realistic. And why not push the misery to the end fklsdf;sk)

I'm also low-key not buying the argument about not reviving the son. I feel that if River truly cared about him, they'd try to resurrect them both, but it seems that they only care about their husband. And since there's gender stuff mixed in all of this, I'm thinking some sort of regret or apprehension might be at play here, too. (but that could just be a headcanon lol)

Oh, and nice sparkles ✨✨✨


Hi Hiro, thanks for your feedback!

You're right, River really dragged a life of solitude behind them and I think only one ending truly sets them free. In this one, they are now faced to the little time they have, but I like the idea of it still being significant: it's never too late to live again!

And I agree with you, had I been Ambrose, I would have been HORRIFIED by the fact River chose to revive me without my son: I would understand that River doesn't revive their son at 72, since they wouldn't be able to raise him, but at least let me be dead!! And your headcanon is quite interesting (somehow, River would look to have a marital life with Ambrose as a non-feminine figure... I didn't think about it that way but you're certainly touching on something relevant...)

And sparkles!!!!