I think you need to increase contrast in the menu, it's a little hard to read, since the contrast is pretty low. (font to color of the boxes)
But I really like the artwork for this game so far ^^ great work.
Way better! But I would also increase the contrast on the buttons a little, good advise is to squint your eyes a little and see how much you can still recognize (you should at least be able to guess that there's something written on the button). I guess you always have to think of people with bad eye-sight who aren't able to see low contrast, I know that from my sister who often has problems with reading, because it's kinda hard for her to see small letters or low contrast stuff. ;)
I think I remember something about 20-25% in brightness difference... or something like that was a tip from my typo teacher back in school, haha.
50% brightness bg, 25% on the dark and 75% on the bright font. And it might be still a little hard to read for some people XD
But I often have a problem with contrast aswell ;)
Here we go, I tried the squinting thing and I can totally relate. This time, I've left everything bolded. I've completely fixed the contrasting between the background and the forground colors on the buttons. The game will be played in full screen so there will most definitely be no problems. I apologize for the inconvenience, I'd be an honor to have you and your sister play my game. But be warned, there contains graphic scenes and may not be suitable for the younger audience (that is assuming you or your sister are of young age, or to anyone of such age). I hope this is the best I can offer. Thank you for your patience.