Everything looks good, now I just have to decide if I'm willing to mark up the paper copies (I don't like writing in books but I got physical copies from the kickstarter). I was going through the core books to make a write-up of the game for some people that I know which is how I noticed the typos and came up with the questions.
I haven't gotten to play or run The Company unfortunately but it's on my list of games I'd run if given the chance. Not having hard rules for item weight and ranges makes sense given the nature of the system (and I don't see it as an issue), I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing anything.
I appreciate the quick turnaround on this, it was definitely unexpected!
Recent community posts
I just discovered that my files were out of date so I downloaded the latest versions, and noticed some typos (at least some of which were brought up previously and corrected as the Rule fix development log but it looks like there was an accidental reversion).
The Singles and Spreads version of the Employee Handbook (but not the Zine Spreads) have contradictory tables. The Overview and Introduction pages have different numbers for how many successes you get with a critical success (the zine spread has both tables showing +1 success so I'm assuming that is the correct number).
Less importantly, the zine spreads overview page shows +1 success but both the singles and the spread layouts have the overview page missing that + (it just says 1 success). The management manual version of the overview page is missing the + in all layouts.
Also, the equipment section has weight for different pieces of equipment and also range categories for different weapons but I'm not seeing rules on either of those so I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if the rules just aren't there.