This was the best of the 3 games from itch that i streamed together. The footage for this game starts at about 24 minutes.
Well you weren't kidding about the short part, it was ok. I live streamed this with 2 other games, This game starts at about 19 minutes.
This was not bad, i got stuck in the bedroom for a bit that made me slightly frustrated, but otherwise is a good game.
This was good! I found it genially creepy!
I may have found a way to break the game.... otherwise it is a nice looking game..... that is really weird! Good, but weird.
Did a full playthrough.
Played and took quiz for my video. very nice!
I found the atmosphere scary, and the sounds right on. I just lost a little, and took it out on the game. Do not misjudge me i liked the game, i just got confused, and got angry.
I gave it a play. It was not bad. Personally i found the spooks slightly lacking, but that is probably just me, being me.