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A member registered Feb 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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Loved the puzzles, and especially loved the dinosaur pet!

Increasing the speed of the music as the timer got closer to zero was a great touch. Really fun game!

Loved the art style and i found creating a network of lights in the dark world very engaging.

The ideas for the puzzles I thought were very clever, and I loved the art style.

Nice interpretation of the theme, solving the puzzles was really satisfying. Excellent presentation overall!

There is a ton of great ideas and twists on the original concept. Loved the music and the general atmosphere of this one.

Absolutely loved this game and laughed at the final level well done!

Loved how chaotic it got with all four games!

Hitting things with the mace was SO satisfying.

The puzzles were challenging, well done!

I love katamari, so I loved this game!

I had a lot of fun figuring out an optimal recruitment path, very well polished game!

This was great! I had a blast playing this with my room mates

Took a bit of time to get used to the controls but it was a fun following game!

I loved the hand drawn UI, and the grappling puzzles were pretty challenging.

I love Katamari games so his was right up my alley. Using the weights as platforms was a really fun mechanic too.

The last level was pretty challenging, but it was fun juggling the different states of the tiles and the fading light!

This game was great! Well executed interpretation on the theme.

I tried to stay in the middle the entire time and it was a lot more fun that way, it ended up being me matching my keyboard movement with my mouse movement but that was still an interesting challenge.

Took a while to get the controls down, but it was fun blocking bullets with the sled while positioning the gun in the right spot. I got the boss to 0 health and that was pretty satisfying!

Took a minute to figure out how the controls worked and what you were supposed to do, probably should have read the instructions. Just swinging around in 3d like that is a lot of fun though.

Fun! Controls are kind a bit brain-bendy if you've only got one player. Maybe having left control also work to jump P2, or use the right and left mouse buttons for jumping or something like that would help. 

Liked the new twist on Dicey Dungeons!

Loved the atmosphere and refreshing take on the theme! Agreed about the Stanley Parable vibes from an earlier comment. I especially enjoyed the different notes on the whiteboard I bet those were fun to create.

Nice, really simple and elegant exploration of the boomerang idea. I might have liked faster movement or the ability to dash or something so I could pull off more combos and feel cooler. 

Interesting concept. I like the idea of frantically trying to juggle weapons while dodging attacks and trying to hit the right targets.  I did die a couple time because I needed to figure which number button to press to pick up the right weapon. That didn't feel good because I felt like I knew the right thing to do but needed this extra step of knowing the right button.

Great concept and excellent game feel on this one! A couple times I lost immediately because the bullet spawn on top of me or a wall, but otherwise this was a solid little game.

This one was difficult but really satisfying to get right, I think it could have a lot of potential! Maybe the trail could just go behind you instead of following the gun so its a little less punishing while still capturing the fun of ricocheting off things and getting that perfect route.

I like the concept of the bit sized puzzle rooms, and the mechanics of bouncing vinyl around are intrinsically pretty satisfying. My favorite part was sniping the jukeboxes in room 3 and bouncing the vinyl back between the protective glass sections.  I think you could juice up that interaction and do a lot with it.The imprecise jumps made platforming frustrating, I'd say make it easier to control precisely where you're going to land and stay there (I kept sort of sliding off the vinyl). 

Creative and a good break from all the platformers and 2d shooters. Good chill out game, but I wasn't sure what to do once I became the star. Didn't seem able to merge with anything.

Pretty fun! It enjoyed the aim then shoot controls, on the gun, felt like it encouraged me to choose my shots carefully, even before I figured out how the health bar worked.