Loved this chill vibes + music in this one. I work in a coffee shop so this was quite fun to play lol. Unfortunately the restart key didnt work for me though, and some more visual cues when making the drinks would be nice. Cool game nonetheless!
LOVED the sound in this. Visuals were really great too. I absolutely suck at puzzle games though, so I kind of struggled with making the lights go down the right paths. Thats more of a me thing though
loved the aesthetic for this one! felt really smooth especially for a first 3d game. My game crashed though after I got all 3 boxes to the end unfortunately
really liked the art, only things were that I got stuck on my strand a couple times and the game felt a little bit too long. Was loads of fun though! Definitely a submission I could see doing well this jam
Cool art style! I'm not sure if this is just the web version but the camera is a little buggy. I'd highly appreciate it if you could give my game "Spaced Out" a go!