If you enjoy word games like Text Twist or Word Warp, please give our word game "Twisty Words" a try. We've made the itch.io version to try and tailor the experience for PC/web by makes some changes from the mobile portrait presentation and adding keyboard controls. We hope you enjoy it, and would love to hear your feedback! It's playable directly in browser here
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Thanks for the reply! I had a couple of errors, one causing an extraneous 403 error..as you mentioned, incorrect filename (i.e. missing file). In addition, the file I need to access existed, but I did find a bug in my code where I thought I was properly waiting for the web request to complete before acting on the data. I had a button that should have been set as disabled until the data was ready, but it was active in Unity.
On the very first attempt to load a data file from the streamingAssetsPath (i.e. I upload a new build to itch, and the VERY first time I run that build), on a Unity webGL build, on itch, I see a 403 error. Reloading the page, and running the game again, everything works fine and requests to load the data file via UnityWebRequest work as expected. Running this NOT on itch, everything works fine. Has anyone else seen a similar case? Any suggestions to solve this? Here's a snippet of code that I use:
string path = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "datafile"); if (path.Contains("://") || path.Contains(":///")) { UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(path); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); // ... other error handling and sundry code here }